var photoDir=""; var borderSize=0; // Récupération du numéro de photo dans l'url //var thisURL = document.location.href; //var splitURL = thisURL.split("#"); //var photoId = splitURL[1] - 1; //var photoId = (!photoId)? 0 : photoId; var PopupAlreadyCreate=false; //var Slideshow = Class.create(); function InitPopup() { photoId=(($(IdPosition).innerHTML)-1); Event.observe('Photo', 'load', function(){ myPhoto = new Slideshow(photoId); myPhoto.showPhoto(); } ); // Supprime la premiere ligne du tableau (Car vide) var t=0; var TabPhoto=new Array(); TabSrcPhotoMaxi.each(function(s) { if(s[0]!="") { TabPhoto[t]=s; t++; } }); // Number of photos in this gallery var photoNum = TabPhoto.length; var Slideshow = Class.create(); Slideshow.prototype = { initialize: function(photoId) { this.photoId = photoId; = 'Photo'; this.photoBox = 'Container'; this.prevLink = 'PrevLink'; this.nextLink = 'NextLink'; this.loader = 'Loading'; }, getCurrentSize: function() { // Get current height and width, subtracting CSS border size this.wCur = Element.getWidth(this.photoBox) - borderSize; this.hCur = Element.getHeight(this.photoBox) - borderSize; }, getNewSize: function() { // Get current height and width this.wNew = TabPhoto[photoId][1]; this.hNew = TabPhoto[photoId][2]; }, getScaleFactor: function() { this.getCurrentSize(); this.getNewSize(); // Scalars based on change from old to new this.xScale = (this.wNew / this.wCur) * 100; this.yScale = (this.hNew / this.hCur) * 100; }, setNewPhotoParams: function() { // Set source of new image Element.setSrc(,photoDir + TabPhoto[photoId][0]); // Set anchor for bookmarking Element.setHref(this.prevLink, "#" + (photoId+1)); Element.setHref(this.nextLink, "#" + (photoId+1)); }, resizePhotoBox: function() { this.getScaleFactor(); new Effect.Scale(this.photoBox, this.yScale, {scaleX: false, duration: 0.3, queue: 'front'}); new Effect.Scale(this.photoBox, this.xScale, {scaleY: false, delay: 0.5, duration: 0.3, scaleFromCenter:true}); }, showPhoto: function(){ new Effect.Fade(this.loader, {delay: 0.5, duration: 0.3}); // Workaround for problems calling object method "afterFinish" new Effect.Appear(, {duration: 0.5, queue: 'end'}); }, nextPhoto: function(){ // Figure out which photo is next (photoId == (TabPhoto.length - 1)) ? photoId = 0 : photoId++; this.initSwap(); }, prevPhoto: function(){ // Figure out which photo is previous (photoId == 0) ? photoId = TabPhoto.length - 1 : photoId--; this.initSwap(); }, showCurrentPhoto: function(){ photoId = parseInt($(IdPosition).innerHTML)-1; this.initSwap(); }, initSwap: function() { // Begin by hiding main elements;; Element.hide(; // Set new dimensions and source, then resize this.setNewPhotoParams(); this.resizePhotoBox(); } } myPhoto = new Slideshow(photoId); myPhoto.initSwap(); Event.observe('overlay', 'click', function(){ Element.hide("overlay"); Element.hide("Container"); } ); Event.observe('fermer', 'click', function(){ Element.hide("overlay"); Element.hide("Container"); } ); Event.observe('PrevLink', 'focus', function(){ this.blur(); } ); Event.observe('NextLink', 'focus', function(){ this.blur(); } ); Event.observe('PrevLink', 'click', function(){ myPhoto = new Slideshow(photoId); myPhoto.prevPhoto(); } ); Event.observe('NextLink', 'click', function(){ myPhoto = new Slideshow(photoId); myPhoto.nextPhoto(); } ); Event.observe(IdGrandePhoto, 'click', function(){ myPhoto = new Slideshow(photoId); myPhoto.showCurrentPhoto(); } ); PopupAlreadyCreate=true; } // Additional methods for Element added by SU, Couloir Object.extend(Element, { getWidth: function(element) { element = $(element); return element.offsetWidth; }, setWidth: function(element,w) { element = $(element); = w +"px"; }, setHeight: function(element,h) { element = $(element); = h +"px"; }, setSrc: function(element,src) { element = $(element); element.src = src; }, setHref: function(element,href) { element = $(element); element.href = href; }, setInnerHTML: function(element,content) { element = $(element); element.innerHTML = content; } });